197 Ashmont Street
Dorchester, MA 02124-3801

Phone: (617) 929-4111 Fax: (617) 929-4128 www.m-power.org

No openings at this time.
Applications for employment still being accepted.

M-POWER's Mission Statement

M-POWER is a member-run organization of mental health consumers/current and former psychiatric patients. We will advocate for political and social change within the mental health system and the community, city and statewide. Organizing as a common voice, we will define and secure our human rights and issues facilitate freedom of information about those rights. We will take a stand on all issues that impede our ability to live as dignified people. We will enlighten mental health professionals and the community, empowering ourselves in the process. We believe all people are entitled to lives free of prejudice and oppression.

You may mail your application to:
197 Ashmont Street
Dorchester, MA 02124-3801
Or by email: info@m-power.org

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